Whitehall Lane Winery Spotlight – Week Three: Napa Green
Whitehall Lane is committed to the Napa Green program, a comprehensive environmental certification program for vineyards and wineries in the Napa Valley. The program represents a soil-to-bottle approach to environmental stewardship and winemaking, integrating holistic management practices at every step of the process. Soil-to-bottle stewardship includes protecting and restoring the Napa River watershed; saving energy and water; reducing waste and carbon footprint and being conscientious employers and good neighbors. Through participation in the Napa Green program, vineyards and wineries are certified by meeting and exceeding comprehensive and stringent environmental regulations that aims to preserve Napa Valley’s land and resources for generations to come. In short, this certification means that Whitehall Lane’s commitment to energy, water, and green practices has been recognized by a third-party. They are among the few wineries that have committed themselves to preserve and protect the Napa Valley for future generations.
“At Whitehall Lane, we created a “Green Team” that worked enthusiastically to meet our goal to become a Napa Green Certified Winery. Our team regularly monitors recycling as well as energy and water usage efficiency to ensure that our sustainable practices are maintained. Our team also continues to research new innovative practices to continue to improve our carbon footprint as responsible landowners in Napa Valley.” – Katie Leonardini, VP of Operations
For more information about Napa Green and a map of all wineries that have been certified, check out NapaGreen.org.